Resolution Sampler Saturday at Move Studio with Jenny Bair
1:30PM -2PM
Be Free! in the New Year
Embrace New Ways to Think Your Way Out of Stress and Use Essential Oils to promote Your Well-being
Tired of the radio station that plays in your head causing you to be more self-critical, judging, controlling, or just plain worried or panicked that things won’t’ turn out?
Then, come learn some simple ways to incorporate techniques into your daily life that can make a HUGE difference when you practice them. Also, leverage your thinking and being with the power of essential oils for your mental, physical, andrelational health.
2:00PM -2:30PM
Get Your Sizzle Back in Life and the Bedroom! (For ladies ONLY please)
Learn some tools and techniques that you can start using right away to gain your power, zestiness, spark and passion back in your life in 2015!
Ms. Bair, MHE, The Passioneer of Purpose and Co-owner of Living Well Dallas will share some concepts and tips to bring you forward every day in all of the roles you possess.
Bring your sensuality, senses, play, more laughter and sex into your new year in a way that makes sense for you.
Move Studio
17062 Preston Rd, Suite 108
Dallas, TX 75248