You’re intelligent.
You’re generous.
You’re kind.
You’re funny.
You’re getting up digging your life.
You’re just gorgeous.
You’re passionate.
You’re creative.
People love to be around you because you bring out the best in them.
If you’re not as clear about WHO you are; get to know YOU.
Ms. Jenny Bair, MHE, The Passioneer of Purpose will help guide you through an interactive process of getting you to the core of you, create your mission statement/purpose in life, create your core values and how to show in this crazy, messy, juicy thing called life.
3 – 2.5 hour sessions – most people complete in a 2 month period of time
APRIL Special
You have a choice to live hap-hazardly and sideways or go in a direction that serves you and those around you. What will you choose?
WHO are you? Book your first appointment with Jenny Bair today by calling Living Well at 972-930-0260.