How to Upgrade Your Vision with Claudia Muehlenweg: Essential Tips for Menopausal Women

Menopause can be a transformative time, affecting various aspects of health, including vision. In a recent episode of the Menopause Mastery Podcast, Dr. Betty Murray sat down with holistic vision coach Claudia Muehlenweg to uncover practical strategies for improving vision. These insights are particularly beneficial for menopausal women dealing with vision changes.

MM 95 How to Upgrade Your Vision with Claudia Muehlenweg
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Let’s explore some key techniques and why they matter.

Reducing Dependence on Glasses and Contacts

One of Claudia’s most impactful recommendations is to limit the use of glasses and contact lenses. She explains that occasional blurriness can actually enhance eye health by stimulating natural focusing mechanisms. In safe environments like gardens or while hiking, try to embrace slight blur to promote eye muscle health.

Key Practice: Natural Focus

Remove your glasses when safe and allow your eyes to adjust naturally.

Avoid over-reliance on full-prescription lenses to enhance eye adaptability.

The Importance of Blinking

Blinking plays a crucial role in eye health, especially given our increasing screen time. Frequent blinking lubricates the eyes, preventing dryness, strain, and fatigue.

Blink to Relax

Make a conscious effort to blink more, particularly during prolonged screen use.

Frequent blinking can help maintain eye moisture and ease strain.

Sunlight – A Natural Booster

Claudia underscores the benefits of sunlight exposure, especially during sunrise and sunset. Natural light is essential for maintaining your circadian rhythm and overall eye health. Morning sunlight is particularly beneficial when experienced without sunglasses, unless conditions are extreme.

Morning Light Routine

Spend time outdoors during sunrise to benefit from natural light.

Allow your eyes to adapt to natural light levels without the constant use of sunglasses.

Managing Screen Time

With increasing screen time, future vision health is a concerning issue. Simple yet effective strategies like the 20-20-20 rule—looking at something 20 feet away for 20 seconds every 20 minutes—can help mitigate eye strain from screen use.

Screen Time Tips

Implement the 20-20-20 rule to give your eye muscles a break.

Position computers near windows to facilitate easy shifting of focus to distant objects.

Enhancing Peripheral Vision

Peripheral vision, crucial for detecting movement and spatial awareness, often gets neglected. Keeping a well-lit environment and integrating moving images in your peripheral view can help maintain this aspect of vision.

Peripheral Vision Practices

Ensure your workspace is well-lit.

Use peripheral stimuli, like moving images, to balance visual focus.

Emotional and Mental Connection

Claudia emphasizes the link between emotional state and visual health. Emotional factors can significantly impact vision, making it essential to address underlying emotional issues for overall eye improvement.

Holistic Well-being

Acknowledge and address emotional triggers.

Seek therapeutic methods to manage stress and mental health for better vision.

Diet and Vision Health

A nutritious diet plays a pivotal role in maintaining eye health. Foods rich in essential nutrients like dark leafy greens, algae, and omega-3 fatty acids are highly recommended. Reducing sugar and alcohol intake can also benefit eye health, particularly in preventing conditions like cataracts and dry eyes.

Dietary Tips

Include dark leafy greens and omega-3 rich foods in your diet.

Limit consumption of sugars and alcohol.

Vision Relaxation Techniques: Palming

To tackle dry eyes and reduce strain, Claudia advocates for the “palming” technique, where you gently cover your closed eyes with your hands. This simple practice creates a dark, peaceful environment, aiding in relaxation and lubrication of the eyes.

Relax and Palm

Practice palming by covering your closed eyes with your hands daily for a few minutes.

Incorporate regular relaxation techniques into your routine to alleviate eye strain.


Claudia Muehlenweg’s insights offer a holistic approach to vision improvement, particularly beneficial for menopausal women. Reducing dependence on corrective lenses, frequent blinking, embracing natural sunlight, and addressing emotional well-being are just a few strategies that can be seamlessly integrated into daily life. Additionally, maintaining a nutritious diet and managing screen time effectively can further support eye health.

For more detailed guidance and to download Claudia’s free vision improvement habits guide, visit Embrace these practices and start your journey toward naturally clearer vision today.

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