Try on any one of the Be Well Services for $59.00 for YOURSELF
Try two for $109.00
Try three for $155.00
Buy as many gift certificates for the people on your gift list for any of the Be Well Services listed above with a Three Month Expiration for the same pricing!!!
1 for $59.00
2 for $109.00
3 for $155.00
any other service beyond three at $51.00 a service!!!!!
You can choose from:
Bowen Therapy with Brenda Briscoe
Swedish Massage with Billie Lyde
Emotional Well-Being Sessions and Counseling with Jessica Vigil
Signature One Hour Facial with Tina Rios
TORC – body contouring sessions with Tina Rios
Purchase your session or gift certificate today in person or via phone! Call us 972-930-0260.